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Chairman of The Meeting of Minds Forum, Emeritus Librarian of Alexandria and Former Vice President of The World Bank

Dr. Ismail Serageldin

Secretary General of the Association of Arab Universities, Jordan, Former Minister of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Technology, Egypt

Prof. Amr Ezzat Salama

Biochemist, Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine, 2001

Sir Tim Hunt, FRS

President & CEO of International Center of Education in Islamic Finance (INCEIF), Malaysia

Prof. Dato. Dr. Azmi Omar

Distinguished University Professor, and Director of the Carbon Management & Sequestration Center, Ohio State University, 2019 Japan Prize Laureate

Dr. Rattan Lal


Dr. Anggito Abimanyu, M.Sc, Ph.D

Head of Hajj Financial Management Agency (Badan Pengelola Keuangan Haji/BPKH)

Dr. Anggito Abimanyu, M.Sc, Ph.D

Andhana Adyandra

HFL (Founder of Mahayana Permaculture, Indonesia)

Andhana Adyandra

Dr. Adnan Chilwan

Group CEO of Dubai Islamic Bank, Dubai

Dr. Adnan Chilwan

Lara Dudley

HFL (Finance and Operations of Digital Matter, Singapore)

Lara Dudley

Lim Christina Hariyanto

Executive Director of Bumitama Agri Ltd., Singapore

Lim Christina Hariyanto

Christina Lim

Executive Director of Bumitama Agri Ltd.

Christina Lim

Millie Lukito

Founder and CEO of Mobiliari Group, Indonesia

Millie Lukito

Esti Nurjadin

Chairperson of Indonesia Heart Foundation (Yayasan Jantung Indonesia)

Esti Nurjadin

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohamed Eskandar Shah Mohd Rasid

Associate Dean School of Graduate and Professional Studies, International Center For Education in Islamic Finance (INCEIF) and World Bank Consultant on Islamic Finance (Financial Sector Specialist), Malaysia

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohamed Eskandar Shah Mohd Rasid

Kemal Rizadi Arbi

Advisor, Capital Market Authority, Sultanate of Oman, Malaysia

Kemal Rizadi Arbi

Amanda Susanti

HFL (Founder of Sayurbox, Indonesia)

Amanda Susanti

Abdullah Firman Wibowo

President Director of BNI Syariah, Indonesia

Abdullah Firman Wibowo

Dr. Noha Adly

Professor of Computer and Systems Engineering, Alexandria University and Scientific Advisor to Bibliotheca Alexandrina Director, Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Egypt

Dr. Noha Adly

Raja Jesrina Arshad

HFL (CEO of PurelyB, Malaysia)

Raja Jesrina Arshad

Dr. Ahmed M. Darwish

Former Minister of State for Administration Development and Former First Chairman of General Authority of Suez Canal Economic Zone, Egypt

Dr. Ahmed M. Darwish

Rami Farhat, CFA.

Chief Investment and M&A Officer of Al Faisaliah Group, Saudi Arabia

Rami Farhat, CFA.

Tan Sri Rastam Mohd. Isa

Chairman of The Institute of Strategic and International Studies, Malaysia

Tan Sri Rastam Mohd. Isa

Dr. Syahrul Yasin Limpo, S.H., M.H.

Minister of Agriculture of Republic of Indonesia

Dr. Syahrul Yasin Limpo, S.H., M.H.

Nini Marini

Artist & Founder of Ninimarini Enterprise, Malaysia

Nini Marini

Dr. Raj S. Paroda

Agricultural Scientist and Research Administrator, Former Director General, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, and Former Chairman, Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR), FAO, Rome

Dr. Raj S. Paroda

Rudiantara, S.Stat., M.B.A.

Former Minister of Technology and Informatics, Republic of Indonesia

Rudiantara, S.Stat., M.B.A.

Shanti Shamdasani

President of ASEAN International Advocacy, Indonesia

Shanti Shamdasani

Erick Thohir, B.A., M.B.A.

Minister of State-Owned Enterprises, Republic of Indonesia

Erick Thohir, B.A., M.B.A.

Grace Adoe

HFL (Marketing Director of Kibif, Indonesia)

Grace Adoe

Dr. Mahaletchumy Arujanan

Malaysian Science Communicator, Global Coordinator, International Service for the Acquisition of Agribiotech Applications (ISAAA)

Dr. Mahaletchumy Arujanan

Friderica Widyasari Dewi

Former President Director of the Indonesia Central Securities Depository Services (Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia/KSEI)

Friderica Widyasari Dewi

Dr. Nina Fedoroff

Senior Science Advisor, OFW Law, and Former President of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), 2006 National Medal of Science Laureate, USA

Dr. Nina Fedoroff

Shoeb Kagda

Founder of Indonesia Economic Forum, Indonesia

Shoeb Kagda

Khai Lin

HFL (Co-Founder and CFO of Fundnel, Singapore)

Khai Lin

Shinta Nurfauzia

HFL (Co-Founder and CEO of Lemonilo, Indonesia)

Shinta Nurfauzia

Dr. Per Pinstrup - Andersen

Economist and Professor Emeritus at Cornell University, Denmark

Dr. Per Pinstrup - Andersen

Diah Saminarsih

Senior Advisor for Gender & Youth of World Health Organization Geneva, Indonesia

Diah Saminarsih

Ventje Rahardjo Soedigno

Executive Director, National Sharia Financial Commission (Komisi Nasional Keuangan Syariah/KNKS)

Ventje Rahardjo Soedigno

Zannuba A.C. Wahid (Yenny)

Director of Wahid Institute, Indonesia

Zannuba A.C. Wahid (Yenny)

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